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What started as a weekly Bible study for men, has over the years evolved into a thriving bilingual non-denominational Christian church serving people of all walks of life. We welcome people exactly as they are, knowing that radical change comes only through the saving grace of Jesus Christ. 

 The Bridge Church

(Iglesia Cristiana El Puente)


Sunday Morning Service

Our bilingual worship service is held at 8:30 am each Sunday and features a time of praise and worship, a message appropriate for all ages and spiritual levels, and a time to celebrate the Lord's supper.


All are welcome! 

Sunday Morning Children's Church

A very important part of the Sunday morning service is Children's Church. After the praise and worship, the children in attendance join the teachers, whose passion is sharing the love of Christ with the younger generation, for a time especially designed for them. 



Monday Night Ladies' Bible Study

Each Monday evening at 6 pm the women of El Puente meet for a time dedicated to them and their walk with the Lord. Topics of discussion range from how to pray and other Biblical fundamentals to topics specifically geared towards women, moms and wives. 


Wednesday Evening Prayer Service

Every Wednesday evening at 6 pm, Iglesia Cristiana El Puente holds a mid-week service with a focus on worship, study of the Word, and prayer. This is an intimate time of prayer and community where members  pray for one another and the community at large. If you are in need of special prayer, we invite you to join us on Wednesday nights and let the leaders know of your specific prayer needs. 


Saturday Morning Men's Bible Study

The El Puente men take the time to fellowship, play a little baseball every once in a while, eat breakfast together and study God's Word for real life application each Saturday morning at 7 am. The men's group has tackled various studies such as "Twelve Ordinary Men" by John MacArthur. 


Saturday Evening Youth Service

La Roca (The Rock) is the name of the youth service for ages12-20, held each Saturday night at 5:30 pm. It is a time devoted to the Word of God to inspire future leaders to know that God has a special plan and purpose for each of them. At the same time there are many fun activities ranging from bon fires and marshmallows to water balloon fights. 


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